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What If Kim Jong Un Dies in a vegetative state

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un Dies in a vegetative state, what will happen on their conuntry keep focuse on it.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

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North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un Dies in a vegetative state?

Is North Korean leader Kim jong-Un dangerously close to death, recuperating
from a cardiovascular procedure,or running the country in a business-as-usual fashion? North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un  is a 'Vegetative State' after says.China has sent a team to North Korea, including medical experts, to check on Kim Jong-Un, according to three people familiar with the situation.

Kim clutched his chest and feel to the ground on a visit to the countryside earlier,the Chinese expert says this month. Kim, believed to be 36, needed a stent procedure, Which calls for placing a tube into a full blood vessel allowing blood to keep-flowing to the heart, according to the weekly magazine.

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